Ozurgeti Drama Theater

Whispers of past performances linger in the corridors of Ozurgeti State Drama Theater. Over a century and a half, to be exact. Guria's theatrical life, encapsulated within these walls, reverberates with a history so rich, it has earned the revered Cultural Monument status.

You see, since 1868, this drama troupe performed wherever they found stage space. But in 1962, they took residence in a grand ancient Greek-style edifice, making it their own. This wasn't just any theatre; it was among Georgia's grandest, only surpassed by the illustrious Tbilisi Philharmonic.

Inside, its vastness can accommodate 750 eager theatergoers across two tiers. Its five-story stature dwarfs many, and the semi-circular parterre beautifully complements the expansive stage. And above? An ethereal painting by none other than Apollon Kutateladze, Georgia's paramount battle artist.

However, its charm doesn't rest solely on its architecture. The theatre is a living tribute to Alexandre Tsutsunava. Born in 1881, he wasn't just any actor. This thespian extraordinaire directed the theatre's debut performance, forging ahead to lay the foundations of Georgian opera and cinema.

Now, let's fast forward a little.

Post a 4-year hiatus, the curtains were raised to unveil the rejuvenated Alexander Tsutsunava Professional State Drama Theater in Ozurgeti. And what an inauguration it was! Nodar Dumbadze's gripping tales came to life with "Yearning - Do Not Wake Up", orchestrated by Vasil Chigogidze. The audience wasn't merely theatre enthusiasts. Among them sat Georgia's top brass – Prime Minister Irakli Gharibashvili, Speaker Kakha Kuchava, and an ensemble of ministers.

And speaking of the revamp, oh boy! Cartu Charitable Foundation splashed out a whopping GEL 20 million (equivalent to millions in USD), bringing to life a contemporary masterpiece. The stages, rehearsal arenas, dressing chambers, and even a radio theatre have been metamorphosed. But that's not all. They carved out a museum space and, ensuring inclusivity, made provisions for the differently-abled.

So, next time you find yourself in Ozurgeti, take a moment. Breathe in the legacy, the drama, and the heart of Georgian theatrical grandeur!

Nearest to Ozurgeti Drama Theater

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